Balancing Sums
An excellent tool for reinforcing an understanding of the role of the equals sign. Choose one objective, or many. You can choose all the objectives for a single year group (or multiple year groups). You can also choose to balance between different types of calculations (eg addition and multiplication).

Game Objectives
New Maths Curriculum:
Year 5: Add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers
Year 6: Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Primary Framework Objectives:
Year 2:
Add or subtract mentally combinations of one-digit and two-digit numbers
Year 4:
Add or subtract mentally pairs of two-digit whole numbers
Year 5:
Use efficient written methods to add and subtract whole numbers and decimals with up to two places
Year 6:
Calculate mentally with integers and decimals U.t ± U.t, TU × U, TU ÷ U, U.t × U, U.t ÷ U