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ITP Number Spinners

I am remaking the ITPs so that they will work on all modern browsers and tablets. They will remain freely available to all without the need for a subscription. This ITP generates random numbers using ‘spinners’ with 3, 4, 5 or 6 sides. Using the pointers on the numbered button, you can create one, two or three spinners at a time. The pointers on the shape button allow you to select the number of sides. Once this has been determined, click on the shape in the button to display the spinners. By clicking on the centre point of a spinner the spinner will spin to generate a random number identified by the arrow.

The numbers on the spinners can be changed. They toggle when you click on them. The ITP can be used to generate data quickly and help children to understand the behaviour of random numbers. Using two spinners you can look at the distribution of the sums and differences between the numbers generated and introduce situations where children are asked to predict outcomes, which they can then test with the data generated by the ITP.

Scan to open this game on a mobile device. Right-click to copy and paste it onto a homework sheet.