Addition - Crystal Crash
A fun game to practise mental addition skills. The game was designed to cover all the mental addition objectives in the new math curriculum. You can choose one objective, or choose all the objectives for a year group.
This game will work on any device in your browser.
1) Add numbers up to 10 (Y1) |
6) Add three one-digit numbers (Y2) |
11) Add a three-digit number and ones (Y3) |
16) Add combinations of two and three digit numbers (y4) |
2) Add numbers up to 20 (Y1) |
7) Addition pairs that make 100 (multiples of 10) (Y3) |
12) Add a three-digit number and tens (Y3) |
17) Add combinations of decimals (1dp) (Y4) |
3) Add a two-digit number and ones (Y2) |
8) Addition pairs that make 100 (multiples of 5) (Y3) |
13) Add a three-digit number and hundreds (Y3) |
18) Add pairs of decimals (2dp) that make 1 (Y5 & Y6) |
4) Add a two-digit number and tens (Y2) |
9) Addition pairs that make 100 (Y3 & Y4) |
14) Add pairs of decimals (1dp) that make 1 (Y4 & Y5) |
19) Add combinations of three-digit numbers (Y5 & Y6) |
5) Add two two-digit numbers (Y2) |
10) Add pairs that make 1000 (multiples of 100) (Y3 & Y4) |
15) Add pairs of decimals (1dp) that make 10 (Y4 & Y5) |
20) Add combinations of decimals (2dp) (Y5 & Y6) |

Game Objectives
New Maths Curriculum:
Year 6: Perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers