Subtraction - Crystal Crash
The game was designed to cover all the mental subtraction objectives in the new maths curriculum. You can choose one objective, or choose all the objectives for a year group.
This game will work on any tablet or computer.
1) Subtract numbers from up to 10 (Y1) |
6) Subtract from 100 (multiples of 10) (Y3) |
11) Subtract tens from a three-digit number (Y3) |
16) Subtract combinations of decimals (1dp) (Y4) |
2) Subtract numbers from up to 20 (Y1) |
7)Subtract from 100 (multiples of 5) (Y3) |
12) Subtract hundreds from a three-digit number (Y3) |
17) Subtract a decimal (2dp) from 1 (Y5 & Y6) |
3) Subtract ones from a two-digit number (Y2) |
8) Subtract from 100 (Y3 & Y4) |
13) Subtract a decimal (1dp) from 1 (Y4 & Y5) |
18) Subtract combinations of three-digit numbers (Y5 & Y6) |
4) Subtract tens from a two-digit number (Y2) |
9) Subtract from 1000 (multiples of 100) (Y3 & Y4) |
14) Subtract a decimal (1dp) from 10 (Y4 & Y5) |
19) Subtract combinations of decimals (2dp) (Y5 & Y6) |
5) Subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number (Y2) |
10) Subtract ones from a three-digit number(Y3) |
15) Subtract two-digit numbers from three-digit numbers (y4) |

Game Objectives
New Maths Curriculum:
Year 6: Perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers