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Multiplication - Crystal Crash - Tablet Version

A great game to get children to practise their times tables. The objectives for this game have been taken from the new mathematics curriculum.

This new version will work on any tablet or computer.

1. Recall and use doubles of all numbers to 10 (Y1)

6. 3 times table (Y3)

11. 6 times table (Y4)

16. Double 3 digit numbers (Y4)

2. 2 times table (Y2)

7. 4 times table (Y3)

12. 7 times table (Y4)

17. Double decimals (1dp) (Y4)

3. 5 times table (Y2)

8. 8 times table (Y3)

13. 9 times table (Y4)

18. Recognise square numbers (up to 15²) (Y5)

4. 10 times table (Y2)

9. Double numbers up to 100 (Y3)

14. 11 times table (Y4)

19. Recognise cube numbers (up to 10³) (Y5)

5. Derive and use doubles of simple two-digit numbers (Y2)

10. Doubles of multiples of 50 up to 500 (Y3)

15. 12 times table (Y4)

20. Double decimals (2dp) (Y5)

Scan to open this game on a mobile device. Right-click to copy and paste it onto a homework sheet.