ITP Place Value
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This ITP displays on-screen place value cards to construct and partition three-digit whole numbers. Once the cards are created they can be deleted clicking on the cross in the top left hand corner. By clicking on the number, a card can be dragged around the screen and repositioned. You can have one or two sets of cards on the screen at a time. The value of each place value card is determined using the respective button at the bottom of the screen.
Each number on a card can be represented by groups of counters, clicking on the pointer on the card to reveal and hide the counters.
The ITP can be used to demonstrate the construction and partitioning of numbers to secure children’s understanding of place value. Displaying two sets of cards you can compare their values and pose questions about their sum and difference. Partitioning the numbers and rearranging them can be use to help children understand how pencil and paper methods of calculation are recorded.
For more resources involving partitioning and place value click here.
Game Objectives
New Maths Curriculum:
Year 2: Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones)
Year 2: Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words
Year 3: Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones)
Year 3: Read and write numbers to at least 1000 in numerals and in words
KS2 Primary Framework:
Year 3: Partition three-digit numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1 in different ways
Year 4: Partition four-digit whole numbers
Year 5: Partition numbers and decimals with up to two places
Year 6: Partition numbers and decimals with up to three places